diff options
authorcathook <b01902109@csie.ntu.edu.tw>2014-04-19 23:39:29 +0800
committercathook <b01902109@csie.ntu.edu.tw>2014-04-19 23:39:29 +0800
commitc3ddd993afbdfe37e85df4a54738469dcbc0a37c (patch)
parente9a16c4ef0ea782d7db8d788c455ea946eaab039 (diff)
Add description
15 files changed, 2827 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/README.asciidoc b/README.asciidoc
index 8058527..3b3c9d7 100644
--- a/README.asciidoc
+++ b/README.asciidoc
@@ -1,14 +1,202 @@
-==== hi!!
+= meow
-=== MergeableHeap<Key, Value>
+== Description
+一個不需要, 也不建議先compile成obj files的templates.
+TIP: *README.html* is more beautiful.
+== File Tree
+=== *meowpp/* C++ templates
+* *utility.h* some useful functions,
+ `stringPringf()` , `stringReplace` , `cstringEndWith` ,
+ `debugPrintf()` , `messagePrintf()` , `constant PI` ,
+ `noEPS()` , `normalize()` , `denormalize` ,
+ `ratioMapping` , `inRange()` , `squ()` , `average()`
+* *Usage.h* `class Usage`
+* *colors/* Color splces and transformer
+** *RGB.h* `class RGBi` , `class RGBf`
+** *YUV.h* `class YUVi` , `class YUVf` , `RGB_to_YUV()` , `YUV_to_RGB`
+** *HSL.h* `class HSLf` , `RGB_to_HSL()` , `HSL_to_RGB` ,
+ `YUV_to_HSL()` , `HSL_to_YUV`
+** *HSV.h* `class HSVf` , `RGB_to_HSV()` , `HSV_to_RGB` ,
+ `YUV_to_HSV()` , `HSV_to_YUV` ,
+ `HSL_to_HSV()` , `HSV_to_HSL`
+* *dsa/* Data Structures and Algorithms
+** *DisjointSet.h* `class DisjointSet`
+** *Heaps.h* `class MergeableHeap`
+** *KD_Tree.h* `class KD_Tree`
+** *SplayTree.h* `class SplayTree`
+* *oo/*
+** *Register_Implement.h* `class RegisterInterface` ,
+ `class ImplementInterface`
+== Structures/Classes/Functions
+=== meow:: *Functios* in utility.h
+|Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description
+|stringPrintf |(char const * fmt, ...)|std::string |
+Format print to C++ string and return it
+|stringReplace |(std::string str, +
+std::string const& from, +
+std::string const& to) | std::string |
+Return a string like `str`, but all `from` be replaced by `to`
+|cstringEndWith |(char const* str, int n, ...) | bool |
+Return whether `str` is end with one of the c-string you specify in
+the parameters or not
+|debugPrintf |(char const* fmt, ...) | void|
+Print debug message (file name, line number, ...etc) when `DEBUG` is
+|messagePrintf |(int level_change, char const* fmt, ...) | void|
+|noEPS |(double value, double eps = 1e-9) | double |
+如果abs(輸入的數值) < eps, 則回傳0, 否則回傳輸入的數值
+|normalize |(double lower, double upper, +
+double value) | double |
+(value - lower) / (upper - lower)
+|denormalize |(double lower, double upper, +
+double ratio) | double |
+lower + (upper - lower) * ratio
+|ratioMapping |(double l1, double u1, +
+double m1, double l2, +
+double u2)
+| double |
+denormalize(l2, u2, normalize(l1, u1, m1))
+|inRange<T> |(T const& mn, T const& mx, +
+T const& v) | T |
+std::max(mn, std::min(mx, v))
+|squ<T> |(T const& x) | T|
+x * x
+|average<T>|(T const& beg, T const& end, +
+double sigs)| T|
+只將 `sigs` 個標準差以內的數據拿來取平均
+|average<T>|(T const& beg, T const& end, +
+T const& p, double sigs)| T|
+同上, 不過這次用 `p` 來加權平均
+`stringReplace()` 不是用什麼好方法寫的因此執行效率很低請別虐待它. +
+額外附贈一個 `const double PI = 3.141592653589......`
+=== meow:: *Usage* (C++ Class)
+`Usage` 是用來分析argc, argv和輸出usage document的class.
+argc, argv的部份, 有以下規則
+* `-c` 其中 `c` 可以代換成正常的一個字元的字符,
+這種選像要嘛就是 *有設置* , 不然就是 *沒設置*
+* `-c <value>` 附加一個value, 這種選項可以是選擇性 ,即要設定與否都可以,
+反之則一定要設定. 另外可以給定value的預設值以及哪些value是可接受的
+* `<value>` 其他, 一律視為process arguments
+* `Usage(String const& _name)` +
+建構子, 所有說明文字中 *<name>* 都會被代換成 `_name`
+* `Usage()` +
+建構子, `_name` 自動取為 " *nobody* "
+* `import(Usage const& usage)` +
+將另一個usage的設定匯入, 回傳成功與否 *(bool)*
+* `update(Usage const& usage)` +
+將另一個usage分析argc,argv出來的資料拿來用, 回傳成功與否 *(bool)*
+* `addOption(unsigned char option, String const& description)` +
+新增一個不接額外選項的參數, 並附上說明文字, 回傳成功與否 *(bool)*
+* `addOption(unsigned char option, String const& description,
+String const& value_type, String const& value_default, bool must)` +
+新增一個有額外選項的參數, 並附上說明文字, 額外選項的型別跟預設值.
+說明文字中所有的" *<types>* "將會被取代指定的型別, 其中 `must` 代表
+" *是否一定要設定此參數* " , 回傳表成功與否 *(bool)*
+* `addOptionValueAccept(unsigned char option,
+String const& value, String const& description)` +
+針對某個option, 新增一個可接受的額外選項 (如果某個option從頭到尾都沒有
+新增可接受的選項, 則視為不限制), 回傳成功與否 *(bool)*
+* `hasOptionSetup(unsigned char option)` +
+回傳是否有此選項 *(bool)*
+* `getOptionValuesCount(unsigned char option)` +
+回傳此參數被設置了幾次 *(size_t)* , 只對有接額外參數的有效
+* `getOptionValue(unsigned char option, size_t index)` +
+回傳第`index`個額外選項 *(String)*
+* `getProcArgsCount()` +
+回傳有多少個Process Arguments *(size_t)*
+* `getProcArg(size_t index)` +
+取得第`index`個Process Argument *(String)*
+* `getProcArgs()` +
+回傳一個陣列, 包含所有Process Arguments *(Strings)*
+* `addUsageBegin(String const& des)` +
+新增一段usage document於每個選項逐條說明之前
+* `addUsageEnd (String const& des)` +
+新增一段usage document於每個選項逐條說明之後
+* `String getUsage()` +
+回傳usage document *(String)*
+* `setArguments(int argc, char** argv, String* errmsg)` +
+輸入argv, argc, 回傳是否沒有錯誤發生 *(bool)* , 其中如果有錯誤發生,
+且 `errmsg != NULL` 則會將錯誤訊息寫入之
+NOTE: `String` 是 `std::string` . +
+`Strings` 是 `std::vector< std::string> >`. +
+如果沒有寫回傳什麼, 就是回傳 `void`
+=== meow:: *ImplementInterface/RegisterInterface* (C++ Class)
-MergeableHeap is a kind of maximum-heap with an extra method `merge`,
-which will merge another MergeableHeap into itself.
+Assume there is a problem which can be solved by different algorithms.
+Then you can write multiple classes to approach this problem. +
+Now if you want to decide which algorithm to use in runtime, you can just
+approach this case by a simple way:
+* Let all the problem-solving classes inherit from
+`class ImplementInterface<T>` , and call the constructure with giving
+`identify` (type `T` ) .
+* Create an object, type `RegisterInterface<T>` , and register all your
+implement class to it by call `regImplement(pointer to the class)`.
+* Select which implement class you want by call `getImplement(identify)` ,
+which will return the pointer to the corresponding class.
+=== meow:: *DisjointSet* (C++ class)
+`DisjointSet` is a lighting data structure that maintain N numbers from
+*0* to *N-1* with methods below:
+|Const?|Name| Parameters| Return Type| Time Complexity| Description
+|const|root|(size_t number)|size_t|very fast|
+Return the *group id* of the number given
+|const|size|()|size_t|very fast|
+Return *N*
+||reset|(size_t N)|void|very fast|
+Clean and initalize
+||merge|(size_t number1, +
+size_t number2)|size_t|very fast|
+*Union* the group contains number1 and the group contains number2.
+Return the merged group id
+NOTE: *very fast* means that you can consider it as constant time.
+=== meow:: *MergeableHeap<Key, Value>* (C++ class)
+MergeableHeap is a kind of maximum-heap with a special method `merge`,
+which will merge another MergeableHeap into itself in O(logN) time.
+.Template Request
+* `Key` should has `operator<`
.Support methods
* N <- number of elements in the heap
* M <- number of elements in the other heap if need
|Const?|Name| Parameters| Return Type| Time Complexity| Description
||operator= | (MergeableHeap const&)| *this | O(N)
@@ -31,7 +219,162 @@ which will merge another MergeableHeap into itself.
| Delete all elements from the heap
-WARNING: Consider there are two MergeableHeap `A` and `B`.
-`B` will become empty after you call `A.merge(&B)`.
+WARNING: Consider there are two MergeableHeap `A` and `B`. +
+`B` will become empty after you call `A.merge(&B)`. +
The data in `B` will override by data in `A` and `A` will become empty after
you call `A.moveTo(&B)`
+=== meow:: *KD_Tree<Keys, Key, Value>* (C++ class)
+`KD_Tree` is *K-dimension tree*, which is a dictionary(key->value).
+Where the type if key is a *K-dimension vector* .
+.Template Request
+* `Keys` should has `operator[]` to allow the KD_Tree access the k-dimensions
+* `Key` should has `operator*`, `operator+`
+.Support Methods
+* N <- numbers of element in the kd-tree
+* K <- dimensions
+* `Keys` is the tyepname of the vector
+* `Key` is the typename of the element in the vector
+* `Value` is the typename of value
+|Const?|Name| Parameters| Return Type| Time Complexity| Description
+|const|root|(size_t number)|size_t|very fast|
+||insert|(Key const& k, Value v)|void|O(1)|Insert a pair (k->v)
+|| build|()|void|O(KN logN) | Build the data structure(the `insert()`
+method will not build the data structure immediately)
+|const|query|(Keys const& point, int k)|Value|O(kN ^1-1/k^ ) |
+Using Euclidean-Distance to find the k-nearest neighbor from `point` .
+And return the corrosponding value
+|const|query|(Keys const& point, int k)|std::vector<Value>|O(kN ^1-1/k^ ) |
+Using Euclidean-Distance to find all the x-nearest neighbor from `point` ,
+where x <= k. And return an array of all the corrosponding value.
+||clear|()|O(1)|Clear all data
+||reset|(size_t dimension)|O(1)|Clear all data and then
+set the this->dimension be `dimension`
+NOTE: O(kN ^1-1/k^ ) is reference from wiki. +
+`query()` and `rangeQuery()` will run `build()` first if you called `insert()`
+before call them. And `build()` is very slow, so you should not use this class
+as a dynamic tree
+=== meow:: *SplayTree<Key, Value>* (C++ class)
+Like `std::map`, `SplayTree` is an dictionary(key->value). But it has
+some extra method, such as `split()`, `merge()`, `keyOffset()`.
+.Data Type
+* `Key` is the tyepname of the key
+* `Value` is the typename of value
+* `SplayTree<Key, Value>:: *Element* ` is a typename which contain
+(key->value). It has some methods below:
+** `->first ` a constant reference to `Key`
+** `->second` a reference to `Value`
+** `operator==, operator!=` compare function, check if the two `Element`
+is pointer to the same (key->value)
+.Template Request
+* `Key` should has `operator<`, `operator+`
+.Support Methods
+* N <- numbers of element in the SplayTree
+* M <- numbers of element in another SplayTree
+|Const?|Name| Parameters| Return Type| Time Complexity| Description
+||operator=|(SplayTree const&)| *this | O(N) | copy operator
+||moveTo|(SplayTree* t)|void|O(M)| Transform the data in this to `t`
+|const|lowerBound|(Key k)|Element|O(logN)| Find the smallest (key->value)
+which `k <= key` and return
+|const|upperBound|(Key k)|Element|O(logN)| Find the smallest (key->value)
+which `k < key` and return
+|const|rLowerBound|(Key k)|Element|O(logN)| Find the largest (key->value)
+which `key <= k` and return
+|const|rUpperBound|(Key k)|Element|O(logN)| Find the largest (key->value)
+which `key < k` and return
+|const| find|(Key k)|Element|O(logN)| Find the element (key->value) which
+`key == k` and return
+|const|order|(size_t k)|Element|O(logN)| Find the `k`-th small element.
+note that `k` start from zero like a normal C/C++ array.
+|const|first|()|Element|O(logN)| Return the smallest element
+|const|last|()|Element|O(logN)| Return the largest element
+|const|end|()|Element|O(1)|Return an empty element(it can be use to
+check if `find()` is successful)
+|const|size|()|size_t|O(1)| Return number of elements in the tree
+|const|empty|()|bool|O(1)|Return whether the tree is empty
+||keyOffset|(Key offset)|void|O(1)| Let all the keys in the tree
+plus offset
+||insert|(Key k, Value v)|bool | O(logN)| Insert an element.
+If the tree already has an element with same key, return `false`.
+||erase|(Key k)|bool | O(logN)|Erase an element from the tree with
+given key. Return `false` if the element not found.
+||operator[]|(Key k)|Value|O(logN)|Like `find()` , but it will insert an element
+automatic if the corrosponding element not found
+||splitOut|(Key const& upper_bound, +
+SplayTree* out)|void | O(log N) | Split out all the elements with key
+larger than `upper_bound` and store then into `out`
+||mergeAfter|(SplayTree* t)|bool|O(logN + logM)|If not all of the elements in this
+are smaller than elements in `t`, return `false` , else merge `t` into
+itself and return `true`.
+||merge|(SplayTree* t)|bool|O(logN + logM)|If all of the elements in this
+are smaller than elements in `t` or all of the elements in this larger than
+elements in `t` , merge `t` into itself and return `true`.
+Else return `false`
+WARNING: Consider there are two SplayTree `A` and `B`. +
+`B` will become empty after you call `A.mergeAfter(&B)`
+or `A.merge(&B)` successful. +
+The data in `B` will override by data in `A` and `A` will become empty after
+you call `A.moveTo(&B)`
+=== meow:: *SegmentTree<Value>* (C++ class)
+`SegmentTree` is a data structure that can maintain an array, and
+support *range update* , *range query*
+.Template Request
+* `Value` should has
+** `operator+(Value)` offset
+** `operator|(Value)` merge two nodes
+** `operator*(size_t)` ??
+For example, if you want to maintain *range minimum*
+* `Value::operator+(Value v2)` will be `this->realValue + v2.realValue`
+* `Value::operator|(Value v2)` will be `std::min(this->realValue, v2.realValue)`
+* `Value::operator*(size_t n)` will be `this->realValue`
+If you want to maintain *range sum*
+* `Value::operator+(Value v2)` will be `this->realValue + v2.realValue`
+* `Value::operator|(Value v2)` will be `this->realValue + v2.realValue)`
+* `Value::operator*(size_t n)` will be `this->realValue * n`
+.Support methods
+* N <- array size
+|Const?|Name| Parameters| Return Type| Time Complexity| Description
+||reset|(size_t N)|void|O(1)|
+Clear and reset the array size to N (from `0` to `N - 1`)
+|const|query|(ssize_t __first, ssize_t __last)|Value|O(logN)|
+Range query
+||override|(ssize_t __first, ssize_t __last, Value const& __value)|void|
+O(logN)| Let the element in the array index from `__first` to `__last`
+be `__value`
+||offset|(ssize_t __first, ssize_t __last, Value const& __value)|void|
+O(logN)| Let the element in the array index from `__first` to `__last`
+plus `__value`
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+// Table Of Contents generator
+/* Author: Mihai Bazon, September 2002
+ * http://students.infoiasi.ro/~mishoo
+ *
+ * Table Of Content generator
+ * Version: 0.4
+ *
+ * Feel free to use this script under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License, as long as you do not remove or alter this notice.
+ */
+ /* modified by Troy D. Hanson, September 2006. License: GPL */
+ /* modified by Stuart Rackham, 2006, 2009. License: GPL */
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+ // nodeIterator API would be a better technique but not supported by all
+ // browsers).
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+// Footnotes generator
+/* Based on footnote generation code from:
+ * http://www.brandspankingnew.net/archive/2005/07/format_footnote.html
+ */
+footnotes: function () {
+ // Delete existing footnote entries in case we're reloading the footnodes.
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+ // Because JavaScript has no s (dotall) regex flag.
+ note = spans[i].innerHTML.match(/\s*\[([\s\S]*)]\s*/)[1];
+ spans[i].innerHTML =
+ "[<a id='_footnoteref_" + n + "' href='#_footnote_" + n +
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+ spans[i].setAttribute("data-note", note);
+ }
+ noteholder.innerHTML +=
+ "<div class='footnote' id='_footnote_" + n + "'>" +
+ "<a href='#_footnoteref_" + n + "' title='Return to text'>" +
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+ href = href.match(/#.*/)[0]; // Because IE return full URL.
+ n = refs[href];
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+ "' title='View footnote' class='footnote'>" + n + "</a>]";
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+ function reinstall() {
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+<body class="article" style="max-width:70em">
+<div id="header">
+<div id="toc">
+ <div id="toctitle">Table of Contents</div>
+ <noscript><p><b>JavaScript must be enabled in your browser to display the table of contents.</b></p></noscript>
+<div id="content">
+<div class="sect1">
+<h2 id="_description">Description</h2>
+<div class="sectionbody">
+<div class="paragraph"><p>一個不需要, 也不建議先compile成obj files的templates.</p></div>
+<div class="admonitionblock">
+<td class="icon">
+<div class="title">Tip</div>
+<td class="content"><strong>README.html</strong> is more beautiful.</td>
+<div class="sect1">
+<h2 id="_file_tree">File Tree</h2>
+<div class="sectionbody">
+<div class="sect2">
+<h3 id="_strong_meowpp_strong_c_templates"><strong>meowpp/</strong> C++ templates</h3>
+<div class="ulist"><ul>
+<strong>utility.h</strong> some useful functions,
+ <span class="monospaced">stringPringf()</span> , <span class="monospaced">stringReplace</span> , <span class="monospaced">cstringEndWith</span> ,
+ <span class="monospaced">debugPrintf()</span> , <span class="monospaced">messagePrintf()</span> , <span class="monospaced">constant PI</span> ,
+ <span class="monospaced">noEPS()</span> , <span class="monospaced">normalize()</span> , <span class="monospaced">denormalize</span> ,
+ <span class="monospaced">ratioMapping</span> , <span class="monospaced">inRange()</span> , <span class="monospaced">squ()</span> , <span class="monospaced">average()</span>
+<strong>Usage.h</strong> <span class="monospaced">class Usage</span>
+<strong>colors/</strong> Color splces and transformer
+<div class="ulist"><ul>
+<strong>RGB.h</strong> <span class="monospaced">class RGBi</span> , <span class="monospaced">class RGBf</span>
+<strong>YUV.h</strong> <span class="monospaced">class YUVi</span> , <span class="monospaced">class YUVf</span> , <span class="monospaced">RGB_to_YUV()</span> , <span class="monospaced">YUV_to_RGB</span>
+<strong>HSL.h</strong> <span class="monospaced">class HSLf</span> , <span class="monospaced">RGB_to_HSL()</span> , <span class="monospaced">HSL_to_RGB</span> ,
+ <span class="monospaced">YUV_to_HSL()</span> , <span class="monospaced">HSL_to_YUV</span>
+<strong>HSV.h</strong> <span class="monospaced">class HSVf</span> , <span class="monospaced">RGB_to_HSV()</span> , <span class="monospaced">HSV_to_RGB</span> ,
+ <span class="monospaced">YUV_to_HSV()</span> , <span class="monospaced">HSV_to_YUV</span> ,
+ <span class="monospaced">HSL_to_HSV()</span> , <span class="monospaced">HSV_to_HSL</span>
+<strong>dsa/</strong> Data Structures and Algorithms
+<div class="ulist"><ul>
+<strong>DisjointSet.h</strong> <span class="monospaced">class DisjointSet</span>
+<strong>Heaps.h</strong> <span class="monospaced">class MergeableHeap</span>
+<strong>KD_Tree.h</strong> <span class="monospaced">class KD_Tree</span>
+<strong>SplayTree.h</strong> <span class="monospaced">class SplayTree</span>
+<div class="ulist"><ul>
+<strong>Register_Implement.h</strong> <span class="monospaced">class RegisterInterface</span> ,
+ <span class="monospaced">class ImplementInterface</span>
+<div class="sect1">
+<h2 id="_structures_classes_functions">Structures/Classes/Functions</h2>
+<div class="sectionbody">
+<div class="sect2">
+<h3 id="_meow_strong_functios_strong_in_utility_h">meow:: <strong>Functios</strong> in utility.h</h3>
+<table class="tableblock frame-all grid-rows"
+<col style="width:5%;">
+<col style="width:29%;">
+<col style="width:5%;">
+<col style="width:58%;">
+<th class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" >Name </th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Parameters </th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Return Type </th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Description</th>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>stringPrintf</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(char const * fmt, &#8230;)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">std::string</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Format print to C++ string and return it</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>stringReplace</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(std::string str,<br>
+std::string const&amp; from,<br>
+std::string const&amp; to)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">std::string</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Return a string like <span class="monospaced">str</span>, but all <span class="monospaced">from</span> be replaced by <span class="monospaced">to</span></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>cstringEndWith</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(char const* str, int n, &#8230;)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">bool</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Return whether <span class="monospaced">str</span> is end with one of the c-string you specify in
+the parameters or not</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>debugPrintf</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(char const* fmt, &#8230;)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">void</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Print debug message (file name, line number, &#8230;etc) when <span class="monospaced">DEBUG</span> is
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>messagePrintf</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(int level_change, char const* fmt, &#8230;)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">void</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">階層式的訊息輸出</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>noEPS</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(double value, double eps = 1e-9)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">double</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">如果abs(輸入的數值) &lt; eps, 則回傳0, 否則回傳輸入的數值</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>normalize</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(double lower, double upper,<br>
+double value)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">double</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(value - lower) / (upper - lower)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>denormalize</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(double lower, double upper,<br>
+double ratio)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">double</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">lower + (upper - lower) * ratio</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>ratioMapping</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(double l1, double u1,<br>
+double m1, double l2,<br>
+double u2)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">double</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">denormalize(l2, u2, normalize(l1, u1, m1))</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>inRange&lt;T&gt;</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(T const&amp; mn, T const&amp; mx,<br>
+T const&amp; v)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">T</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">std::max(mn, std::min(mx, v))</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>squ&lt;T&gt;</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(T const&amp; x)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">T</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">x * x</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>average&lt;T&gt;</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(T const&amp; beg, T const&amp; end,<br>
+double sigs)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">T</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">只將 <span class="monospaced">sigs</span> 個標準差以內的數據拿來取平均</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>average&lt;T&gt;</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(T const&amp; beg, T const&amp; end,<br>
+T const&amp; p, double sigs)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">T</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">同上, 不過這次用 <span class="monospaced">p</span> 來加權平均</p></td>
+<div class="admonitionblock">
+<td class="icon">
+<div class="title">Note</div>
+<td class="content"><span class="monospaced">stringReplace()</span> 不是用什麼好方法寫的因此執行效率很低請別虐待它.<br>
+額外附贈一個 <span class="monospaced">const double PI = 3.141592653589......</span></td>
+<div class="sect2">
+<h3 id="_meow_strong_usage_strong_c_class">meow:: <strong>Usage</strong> (C++ Class)</h3>
+<div class="paragraph"><div class="title">Description</div><p><span class="monospaced">Usage</span> 是用來分析argc, argv和輸出usage document的class.
+argc, argv的部份, 有以下規則</p></div>
+<div class="ulist"><ul>
+<span class="monospaced">-c</span> 其中 <span class="monospaced">c</span> 可以代換成正常的一個字元的字符,
+這種選像要嘛就是 <strong>有設置</strong> , 不然就是 <strong>沒設置</strong>
+<span class="monospaced">-c &lt;value&gt;</span> 附加一個value, 這種選項可以是選擇性 ,即要設定與否都可以,
+反之則一定要設定. 另外可以給定value的預設值以及哪些value是可接受的
+<span class="monospaced">&lt;value&gt;</span> 其他, 一律視為process arguments
+<div class="ulist"><div class="title">Methods</div><ul>
+<span class="monospaced">Usage(String const&amp; _name)</span><br>
+建構子, 所有說明文字中 <strong>&lt;name&gt;</strong> 都會被代換成 <span class="monospaced">_name</span>
+<span class="monospaced">Usage()</span><br>
+建構子, <span class="monospaced">_name</span> 自動取為 " <strong>nobody</strong> "
+<span class="monospaced">import(Usage const&amp; usage)</span><br>
+將另一個usage的設定匯入, 回傳成功與否 <strong>(bool)</strong>
+<span class="monospaced">update(Usage const&amp; usage)</span><br>
+將另一個usage分析argc,argv出來的資料拿來用, 回傳成功與否 <strong>(bool)</strong>
+<span class="monospaced">addOption(unsigned char option, String const&amp; description)</span><br>
+新增一個不接額外選項的參數, 並附上說明文字, 回傳成功與否 <strong>(bool)</strong>
+<span class="monospaced">addOption(unsigned char option, String const&amp; description,
+String const&amp; value_type, String const&amp; value_default, bool must)</span><br>
+新增一個有額外選項的參數, 並附上說明文字, 額外選項的型別跟預設值.
+說明文字中所有的" <strong>&lt;types&gt;</strong> "將會被取代指定的型別, 其中 <span class="monospaced">must</span> 代表
+" <strong>是否一定要設定此參數</strong> " , 回傳表成功與否 <strong>(bool)</strong>
+<span class="monospaced">addOptionValueAccept(unsigned char option,
+String const&amp; value, String const&amp; description)</span><br>
+針對某個option, 新增一個可接受的額外選項 (如果某個option從頭到尾都沒有
+新增可接受的選項, 則視為不限制), 回傳成功與否 <strong>(bool)</strong>
+<span class="monospaced">hasOptionSetup(unsigned char option)</span><br>
+回傳是否有此選項 <strong>(bool)</strong>
+<span class="monospaced">getOptionValuesCount(unsigned char option)</span><br>
+回傳此參數被設置了幾次 <strong>(size_t)</strong> , 只對有接額外參數的有效
+<span class="monospaced">getOptionValue(unsigned char option, size_t index)</span><br>
+回傳第`index`個額外選項 <strong>(String)</strong>
+<span class="monospaced">getProcArgsCount()</span><br>
+回傳有多少個Process Arguments <strong>(size_t)</strong>
+<span class="monospaced">getProcArg(size_t index)</span><br>
+取得第`index`個Process Argument <strong>(String)</strong>
+<span class="monospaced">getProcArgs()</span><br>
+回傳一個陣列, 包含所有Process Arguments <strong>(Strings)</strong>
+<span class="monospaced">addUsageBegin(String const&amp; des)</span><br>
+新增一段usage document於每個選項逐條說明之前
+<span class="monospaced">addUsageEnd (String const&amp; des)</span> <br>
+新增一段usage document於每個選項逐條說明之後
+<span class="monospaced">String getUsage()</span><br>
+回傳usage document <strong>(String)</strong>
+<span class="monospaced">setArguments(int argc, char** argv, String* errmsg)</span><br>
+輸入argv, argc, 回傳是否沒有錯誤發生 <strong>(bool)</strong> , 其中如果有錯誤發生,
+且 <span class="monospaced">errmsg != NULL</span> 則會將錯誤訊息寫入之
+<div class="admonitionblock">
+<td class="icon">
+<div class="title">Note</div>
+<td class="content"><span class="monospaced">String</span> 是 <span class="monospaced">std::string</span> .<br>
+<span class="monospaced">Strings</span> 是 <span class="monospaced">std::vector&lt; std::string&gt; &gt;</span>.<br>
+如果沒有寫回傳什麼, 就是回傳 <span class="monospaced">void</span></td>
+<div class="sect2">
+<h3 id="_meow_strong_implementinterface_registerinterface_strong_c_class">meow:: <strong>ImplementInterface/RegisterInterface</strong> (C++ Class)</h3>
+<div class="paragraph"><div class="title">Description</div><p>Assume there is a problem which can be solved by different algorithms.
+Then you can write multiple classes to approach this problem.<br>
+Now if you want to decide which algorithm to use in runtime, you can just
+approach this case by a simple way:</p></div>
+<div class="ulist"><ul>
+Let all the problem-solving classes inherit from
+<span class="monospaced">class ImplementInterface&lt;T&gt;</span> , and call the constructure with giving
+<span class="monospaced">identify</span> (type <span class="monospaced">T</span> ) .
+Create an object, type <span class="monospaced">RegisterInterface&lt;T&gt;</span> , and register all your
+implement class to it by call <span class="monospaced">regImplement(pointer to the class)</span>.
+Select which implement class you want by call <span class="monospaced">getImplement(identify)</span> ,
+which will return the pointer to the corresponding class.
+<div class="sect2">
+<h3 id="_meow_strong_disjointset_strong_c_class">meow:: <strong>DisjointSet</strong> (C++ class)</h3>
+<div class="paragraph"><div class="title">Description</div><p><span class="monospaced">DisjointSet</span> is a lighting data structure that maintain N numbers from
+<strong>0</strong> to <strong>N-1</strong> with methods below:</p></div>
+<table class="tableblock frame-all grid-rows"
+<col style="width:5%;">
+<col style="width:5%;">
+<col style="width:26%;">
+<col style="width:5%;">
+<col style="width:5%;">
+<col style="width:52%;">
+<th class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" >Const?</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" >Name</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Parameters</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Return Type</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Time Complexity</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Description</th>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">const</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>root</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(size_t number)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">size_t</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">very fast</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Return the <strong>group id</strong> of the number given</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">const</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>size</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">()</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">size_t</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">very fast</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Return <strong>N</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>reset</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(size_t N)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">void</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">very fast</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Clean and initalize</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>merge</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(size_t number1,<br>
+size_t number2)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">size_t</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">very fast</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>Union</strong> the group contains number1 and the group contains number2.
+Return the merged group id</p></td>
+<div class="admonitionblock">
+<td class="icon">
+<div class="title">Note</div>
+<td class="content"><strong>very fast</strong> means that you can consider it as constant time.</td>
+<div class="sect2">
+<h3 id="_meow_strong_mergeableheap_lt_key_value_gt_strong_c_class">meow:: <strong>MergeableHeap&lt;Key, Value&gt;</strong> (C++ class)</h3>
+<div class="paragraph"><div class="title">Description</div><p>MergeableHeap is a kind of maximum-heap with a special method <span class="monospaced">merge</span>,
+which will merge another MergeableHeap into itself in O(logN) time.</p></div>
+<div class="ulist"><div class="title">Template Request</div><ul>
+<span class="monospaced">Key</span> should has <span class="monospaced">operator&lt;</span>
+<div class="ulist"><div class="title">Support methods</div><ul>
+N &#8592; number of elements in the heap
+M &#8592; number of elements in the other heap if need
+<table class="tableblock frame-all grid-rows"
+<col style="width:5%;">
+<col style="width:5%;">
+<col style="width:17%;">
+<col style="width:5%;">
+<col style="width:5%;">
+<col style="width:58%;">
+<th class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" >Const?</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" >Name</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Parameters</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Return Type</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Time Complexity</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Description</th>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>operator=</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(MergeableHeap const&amp;)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">*this</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(N)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Copy operator.</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>moveTo</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(MergeableHeap*)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">void</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(M)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Transform the this&#8594;data to the heap specified in parameters</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">const</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>top</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">()</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Element</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(1)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Return the maximum element in the heap.</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">const</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>size</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">()</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">size_t</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(1)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Return the number of elements in the heap.</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">const</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>empty</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">()</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">bool</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(1)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Return whether the heap is empty or not.</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>push</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(Element)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">void</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(log N)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Add a element into the heap</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>pop</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">()</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">void</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(log N)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Delete the maximum element from the heap</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>merge</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(MergeableHeap*)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">void</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(log M)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Merge the specified MergeableHeap(with size=M) into itself</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>clear</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">()</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">void</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(N)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Delete all elements from the heap</p></td>
+<div class="admonitionblock">
+<td class="icon">
+<div class="title">Warning</div>
+<td class="content">Consider there are two MergeableHeap <span class="monospaced">A</span> and <span class="monospaced">B</span>.<br>
+<span class="monospaced">B</span> will become empty after you call <span class="monospaced">A.merge(&amp;B)</span>.<br>
+The data in <span class="monospaced">B</span> will override by data in <span class="monospaced">A</span> and <span class="monospaced">A</span> will become empty after
+you call <span class="monospaced">A.moveTo(&amp;B)</span></td>
+<div class="sect2">
+<h3 id="_meow_strong_kd_tree_lt_keys_key_value_gt_strong_c_class">meow:: <strong>KD_Tree&lt;Keys, Key, Value&gt;</strong> (C++ class)</h3>
+<div class="paragraph"><div class="title">Description</div><p><span class="monospaced">KD_Tree</span> is <strong>K-dimension tree</strong>, which is a dictionary(key&#8594;value).
+Where the type if key is a <strong>K-dimension vector</strong> .</p></div>
+<div class="ulist"><div class="title">Template Request</div><ul>
+<span class="monospaced">Keys</span> should has <span class="monospaced">operator[]</span> to allow the KD_Tree access the k-dimensions
+<span class="monospaced">Key</span> should has <span class="monospaced">operator*</span>, <span class="monospaced">operator+</span>
+<div class="ulist"><div class="title">Support Methods</div><ul>
+N &#8592; numbers of element in the kd-tree
+K &#8592; dimensions
+<span class="monospaced">Keys</span> is the tyepname of the vector
+<span class="monospaced">Key</span> is the typename of the element in the vector
+<span class="monospaced">Value</span> is the typename of value
+<table class="tableblock frame-all grid-rows"
+<col style="width:5%;">
+<col style="width:5%;">
+<col style="width:25%;">
+<col style="width:5%;">
+<col style="width:10%;">
+<col style="width:50%;">
+<th class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" >Const?</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" >Name</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Parameters</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Return Type</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Time Complexity</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Description</th>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">const</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>root</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(size_t number)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">size_t</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">very fast</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>insert</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(Key const&amp; k, Value v)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">void</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(1)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Insert a pair (k&#8594;v)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>build</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">()</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">void</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(KN logN)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Build the data structure(the <span class="monospaced">insert()</span>
+method will not build the data structure immediately)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">const</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>query</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(Keys const&amp; point, int k)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Value</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(kN <sup>1-1/k</sup> )</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Using Euclidean-Distance to find the k-nearest neighbor from <span class="monospaced">point</span> .
+And return the corrosponding value</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">const</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>query</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(Keys const&amp; point, int k)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">std::vector&lt;Value&gt;</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(kN <sup>1-1/k</sup> )</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Using Euclidean-Distance to find all the x-nearest neighbor from <span class="monospaced">point</span> ,
+where x &#8656; k. And return an array of all the corrosponding value.</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>clear</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">()</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(1)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Clear all data</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<div class="admonitionblock">
+<td class="icon">
+<div class="title">Note</div>
+<td class="content">O(kN <sup>1-1/k</sup> ) is reference from wiki.<br>
+<span class="monospaced">query()</span> and <span class="monospaced">rangeQuery()</span> will run <span class="monospaced">build()</span> first if you called <span class="monospaced">insert()</span>
+before call them. And <span class="monospaced">build()</span> is very slow, so you should not use this class
+as a dynamic tree</td>
+<div class="sect2">
+<h3 id="_meow_strong_splaytree_lt_key_value_gt_strong_c_class">meow:: <strong>SplayTree&lt;Key, Value&gt;</strong> (C++ class)</h3>
+<div class="paragraph"><div class="title">Description</div><p>Like <span class="monospaced">std::map</span>, <span class="monospaced">SplayTree</span> is an dictionary(key&#8594;value). But it has
+some extra method, such as <span class="monospaced">split()</span>, <span class="monospaced">merge()</span>, <span class="monospaced">keyOffset()</span>.</p></div>
+<div class="ulist"><div class="title">Data Type</div><ul>
+<span class="monospaced">Key</span> is the tyepname of the key
+<span class="monospaced">Value</span> is the typename of value
+`SplayTree&lt;Key, Value&gt;:: <strong>Element</strong> ` is a typename which contain
+(key&#8594;value). It has some methods below:
+<div class="ulist"><ul>
+<span class="monospaced">-&gt;first ` a constant reference to `Key</span>
+<span class="monospaced">-&gt;second</span> a reference to <span class="monospaced">Value</span>
+<span class="monospaced">operator==, operator!=</span> compare function, check if the two <span class="monospaced">Element</span>
+is pointer to the same (key&#8594;value)
+<div class="ulist"><div class="title">Template Request</div><ul>
+<span class="monospaced">Key</span> should has <span class="monospaced">operator&lt;</span>, <span class="monospaced">operator+</span>
+<div class="ulist"><div class="title">Support Methods</div><ul>
+N &#8592; numbers of element in the SplayTree
+M &#8592; numbers of element in another SplayTree
+<table class="tableblock frame-all grid-rows"
+<col style="width:4%;">
+<col style="width:4%;">
+<col style="width:23%;">
+<col style="width:4%;">
+<col style="width:14%;">
+<col style="width:47%;">
+<th class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" >Const?</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" >Name</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Parameters</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Return Type</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" > Time Complexity</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Description</th>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>operator=</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(SplayTree const&amp;)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">*this</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(N)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">copy operator</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>moveTo</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(SplayTree* t)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">void</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(M)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Transform the data in this to <span class="monospaced">t</span></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">const</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>lowerBound</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(Key k)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Element</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(logN)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Find the smallest (key&#8594;value)
+which <span class="monospaced">k &lt;= key</span> and return</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">const</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>upperBound</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(Key k)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Element</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(logN)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Find the smallest (key&#8594;value)
+which <span class="monospaced">k &lt; key</span> and return</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">const</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>rLowerBound</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(Key k)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Element</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(logN)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Find the largest (key&#8594;value)
+which <span class="monospaced">key &lt;= k</span> and return</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">const</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>rUpperBound</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(Key k)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Element</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(logN)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Find the largest (key&#8594;value)
+which <span class="monospaced">key &lt; k</span> and return</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">const</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>find</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(Key k)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Element</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(logN)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Find the element (key&#8594;value) which
+<span class="monospaced">key == k</span> and return</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">const</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>order</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(size_t k)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Element</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(logN)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Find the <span class="monospaced">k</span>-th small element.
+note that <span class="monospaced">k</span> start from zero like a normal C/C++ array.</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">const</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>first</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">()</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Element</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(logN)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Return the smallest element</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">const</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>last</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">()</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Element</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(logN)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Return the largest element</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">const</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>end</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">()</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Element</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(1)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Return an empty element(it can be use to
+check if <span class="monospaced">find()</span> is successful)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">const</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>size</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">()</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">size_t</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(1)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Return number of elements in the tree</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">const</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>empty</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">()</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">bool</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(1)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Return whether the tree is empty</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>clear</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">()</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">void</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(N)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Clear</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>keyOffset</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(Key offset)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">void</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(1)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Let all the keys in the tree
+plus offset</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>insert</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(Key k, Value v)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">bool</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(logN)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Insert an element.
+If the tree already has an element with same key, return <span class="monospaced">false</span>.</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>erase</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(Key k)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">bool</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(logN)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Erase an element from the tree with
+given key. Return <span class="monospaced">false</span> if the element not found.</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>operator[]</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(Key k)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Value</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(logN)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Like <span class="monospaced">find()</span> , but it will insert an element
+automatic if the corrosponding element not found</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>splitOut</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(Key const&amp; upper_bound,<br>
+SplayTree* out)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">void</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(log N)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Split out all the elements with key
+larger than <span class="monospaced">upper_bound</span> and store then into <span class="monospaced">out</span></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>mergeAfter</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(SplayTree* t)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">bool</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(logN + logM)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">If not all of the elements in this
+are smaller than elements in <span class="monospaced">t</span>, return <span class="monospaced">false</span> , else merge <span class="monospaced">t</span> into
+itself and return <span class="monospaced">true</span>.</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>merge</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(SplayTree* t)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">bool</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(logN + logM)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">If all of the elements in this
+are smaller than elements in <span class="monospaced">t</span> or all of the elements in this larger than
+elements in <span class="monospaced">t</span> , merge <span class="monospaced">t</span> into itself and return <span class="monospaced">true</span>.
+Else return <span class="monospaced">false</span></p></td>
+<div class="admonitionblock">
+<td class="icon">
+<div class="title">Warning</div>
+<td class="content">Consider there are two SplayTree <span class="monospaced">A</span> and <span class="monospaced">B</span>.<br>
+<span class="monospaced">B</span> will become empty after you call <span class="monospaced">A.mergeAfter(&amp;B)</span>
+or <span class="monospaced">A.merge(&amp;B)</span> successful.<br>
+The data in <span class="monospaced">B</span> will override by data in <span class="monospaced">A</span> and <span class="monospaced">A</span> will become empty after
+you call <span class="monospaced">A.moveTo(&amp;B)</span></td>
+<div class="sect2">
+<h3 id="_meow_strong_segmenttree_lt_value_gt_strong_c_class">meow:: <strong>SegmentTree&lt;Value&gt;</strong> (C++ class)</h3>
+<div class="paragraph"><div class="title">Description</div><p><span class="monospaced">SegmentTree</span> is a data structure that can maintain an array, and
+support <strong>range update</strong> , <strong>range query</strong></p></div>
+<div class="ulist"><div class="title">Template Request</div><ul>
+<span class="monospaced">Value</span> should has
+<div class="ulist"><ul>
+<span class="monospaced">operator+(Value)</span> offset
+<span class="monospaced">operator|(Value)</span> merge two nodes
+<span class="monospaced">operator*(size_t)</span> ??
+<div class="paragraph"><p>For example, if you want to maintain <strong>range minimum</strong></p></div>
+<div class="ulist"><ul>
+<span class="monospaced">Value::operator+(Value v2)</span> will be <span class="monospaced">this-&gt;realValue + v2.realValue</span>
+<span class="monospaced">Value::operator|(Value v2)</span> will be <span class="monospaced">std::min(this-&gt;realValue, v2.realValue)</span>
+<span class="monospaced">Value::operator*(size_t n)</span> will be <span class="monospaced">this-&gt;realValue</span>
+<div class="paragraph"><p>If you want to maintain <strong>range sum</strong></p></div>
+<div class="ulist"><ul>
+<span class="monospaced">Value::operator+(Value v2)</span> will be <span class="monospaced">this-&gt;realValue + v2.realValue</span>
+<span class="monospaced">Value::operator|(Value v2)</span> will be <span class="monospaced">this-&gt;realValue + v2.realValue)</span>
+<span class="monospaced">Value::operator*(size_t n)</span> will be <span class="monospaced">this-&gt;realValue * n</span>
+<div class="ulist"><div class="title">Support methods</div><ul>
+N &#8592; array size
+<table class="tableblock frame-all grid-rows"
+<col style="width:5%;">
+<col style="width:5%;">
+<col style="width:17%;">
+<col style="width:5%;">
+<col style="width:5%;">
+<col style="width:58%;">
+<th class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" >Const?</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" >Name</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Parameters</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Return Type</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Time Complexity</th>
+<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Description</th>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>reset</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(size_t N)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">void</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(1)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Clear and reset the array size to N (from <span class="monospaced">0</span> to <span class="monospaced">N - 1</span>)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">const</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>query</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(ssize_t <em>first, ssize_t </em>last)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Value</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(logN)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Range query</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>override</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(ssize_t <em>first, ssize_t </em>last, Value const&amp; __value)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">void</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(logN)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Let the element in the array index from <span class="monospaced">__first</span> to <span class="monospaced">__last</span>
+be <span class="monospaced">__value</span></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-right valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock"><strong>offset</strong></p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">(ssize_t <em>first, ssize_t </em>last, Value const&amp; __value)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">void</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">O(logN)</p></td>
+<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">Let the element in the array index from <span class="monospaced">__first</span> to <span class="monospaced">__last</span>
+plus <span class="monospaced">__value</span></p></td>
+<div id="footnotes"><hr></div>
+<div id="footer">
+<div id="footer-text">
+Last updated 2014-04-19 23:38:26 CST
diff --git a/description.asciidoc b/description.asciidoc
index 09b6ef9..f768289 100644
--- a/description.asciidoc
+++ b/description.asciidoc
@@ -1 +1,37 @@
-== hi!
+= meow
+== Description
+一個不需要, 也不建議先compile成obj files的templates.
+TIP: *README.html* is more beautiful.
+== File Tree
+=== *meowpp/* C++ templates
+* *utility.h* some useful functions,
+ `stringPringf()` , `stringReplace` , `cstringEndWith` ,
+ `debugPrintf()` , `messagePrintf()` , `constant PI` ,
+ `noEPS()` , `normalize()` , `denormalize` ,
+ `ratioMapping` , `inRange()` , `squ()` , `average()`
+* *Usage.h* `class Usage`
+* *colors/* Color splces and transformer
+** *RGB.h* `class RGBi` , `class RGBf`
+** *YUV.h* `class YUVi` , `class YUVf` , `RGB_to_YUV()` , `YUV_to_RGB`
+** *HSL.h* `class HSLf` , `RGB_to_HSL()` , `HSL_to_RGB` ,
+ `YUV_to_HSL()` , `HSL_to_YUV`
+** *HSV.h* `class HSVf` , `RGB_to_HSV()` , `HSV_to_RGB` ,
+ `YUV_to_HSV()` , `HSV_to_YUV` ,
+ `HSL_to_HSV()` , `HSV_to_HSL`
+* *dsa/* Data Structures and Algorithms
+** *DisjointSet.h* `class DisjointSet`
+** *Heaps.h* `class MergeableHeap`
+** *KD_Tree.h* `class KD_Tree`
+** *SplayTree.h* `class SplayTree`
+* *oo/*
+** *Register_Implement.h* `class RegisterInterface` ,
+ `class ImplementInterface`
+== Structures/Classes/Functions
diff --git a/meowpp/Usage.h b/meowpp/Usage.h
index b98a7ac..22f7329 100644
--- a/meowpp/Usage.h
+++ b/meowpp/Usage.h
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ namespace meow{
typedef std::map<unsigned char, Option> Options;
typedef Options::const_iterator OptionsIterator;
- //typedef std::map<unsigned char, Option>::const_iterator OptionsIterator;
Usage(String const& _name);
@@ -89,6 +88,68 @@ namespace meow{
Strings usage_end ;
Strings proc_arguments;
+ /*******************************************************************
+ @asciidoc
+ === meow:: *Usage* (C++ Class)
+ .Description
+ `Usage` 是用來分析argc, argv和輸出usage document的class.
+ argc, argv的部份, 有以下規則
+ * `-c` 其中 `c` 可以代換成正常的一個字元的字符,
+ 這種選像要嘛就是 *有設置* , 不然就是 *沒設置*
+ * `-c <value>` 附加一個value, 這種選項可以是選擇性 ,即要設定與否都可以,
+ 反之則一定要設定. 另外可以給定value的預設值以及哪些value是可接受的
+ * `<value>` 其他, 一律視為process arguments
+ .Methods
+ * `Usage(String const& _name)` +
+ 建構子, 所有說明文字中 *<name>* 都會被代換成 `_name`
+ * `Usage()` +
+ 建構子, `_name` 自動取為 " *nobody* "
+ * `import(Usage const& usage)` +
+ 將另一個usage的設定匯入, 回傳成功與否 *(bool)*
+ * `update(Usage const& usage)` +
+ 將另一個usage分析argc,argv出來的資料拿來用, 回傳成功與否 *(bool)*
+ * `addOption(unsigned char option, String const& description)` +
+ 新增一個不接額外選項的參數, 並附上說明文字, 回傳成功與否 *(bool)*
+ * `addOption(unsigned char option, String const& description,
+ String const& value_type, String const& value_default, bool must)` +
+ 新增一個有額外選項的參數, 並附上說明文字, 額外選項的型別跟預設值.
+ 說明文字中所有的" *<types>* "將會被取代指定的型別, 其中 `must` 代表
+ " *是否一定要設定此參數* " , 回傳表成功與否 *(bool)*
+ * `addOptionValueAccept(unsigned char option,
+ String const& value, String const& description)` +
+ 針對某個option, 新增一個可接受的額外選項 (如果某個option從頭到尾都沒有
+ 新增可接受的選項, 則視為不限制), 回傳成功與否 *(bool)*
+ * `hasOptionSetup(unsigned char option)` +
+ 回傳是否有此選項 *(bool)*
+ * `getOptionValuesCount(unsigned char option)` +
+ 回傳此參數被設置了幾次 *(size_t)* , 只對有接額外參數的有效
+ * `getOptionValue(unsigned char option, size_t index)` +
+ 回傳第`index`個額外選項 *(String)*
+ * `getProcArgsCount()` +
+ 回傳有多少個Process Arguments *(size_t)*
+ * `getProcArg(size_t index)` +
+ 取得第`index`個Process Argument *(String)*
+ * `getProcArgs()` +
+ 回傳一個陣列, 包含所有Process Arguments *(Strings)*
+ * `addUsageBegin(String const& des)` +
+ 新增一段usage document於每個選項逐條說明之前
+ * `addUsageEnd (String const& des)` +
+ 新增一段usage document於每個選項逐條說明之後
+ * `String getUsage()` +
+ 回傳usage document *(String)*
+ * `setArguments(int argc, char** argv, String* errmsg)` +
+ 輸入argv, argc, 回傳是否沒有錯誤發生 *(bool)* , 其中如果有錯誤發生,
+ 且 `errmsg != NULL` 則會將錯誤訊息寫入之
+NOTE: `String` 是 `std::string` . +
+`Strings` 是 `std::vector< std::string> >`. +
+如果沒有寫回傳什麼, 就是回傳 `void`
+ ******************************************************************/
#include "Usage.hpp"
diff --git a/meowpp/dsa/DisjointSet.h b/meowpp/dsa/DisjointSet.h
index 1ea6d97..b33a839 100644
--- a/meowpp/dsa/DisjointSet.h
+++ b/meowpp/dsa/DisjointSet.h
@@ -24,6 +24,32 @@ namespace meow{
void reset(size_t _n );
size_t merge(size_t a, size_t b);
+ /*********************************************************
+ @asciidoc
+ === meow:: *DisjointSet* (C++ class)
+ .Description
+ `DisjointSet` is a lighting data structure that maintain N numbers from
+ *0* to *N-1* with methods below:
+ [options="header",width="100%",cols="1>,1<s,5<,1<,1<,10<",grid="rows"]
+ |=======================================================================
+ |Const?|Name| Parameters| Return Type| Time Complexity| Description
+ |const|root|(size_t number)|size_t|very fast|
+ Return the *group id* of the number given
+ |const|size|()|size_t|very fast|
+ Return *N*
+ ||reset|(size_t N)|void|very fast|
+ Clean and initalize
+ ||merge|(size_t number1, +
+ size_t number2)|size_t|very fast|
+ *Union* the group contains number1 and the group contains number2.
+ Return the merged group id
+ |=======================================================================
+NOTE: *very fast* means that you can consider it as constant time.
+ *********************************************************/
#include "DisjointSet.hpp"
diff --git a/meowpp/dsa/Heaps.h b/meowpp/dsa/Heaps.h
index cac3e01..1e47afd 100644
--- a/meowpp/dsa/Heaps.h
+++ b/meowpp/dsa/Heaps.h
@@ -4,45 +4,6 @@
#include <cstdlib>
namespace meow{
- /*********************************************************
- @asciidoc
- === MergeableHeap<Key, Value>
- .Description
- MergeableHeap is a kind of maximum-heap with an extra method `merge`,
- which will merge another MergeableHeap into itself.
- .Support methods
- * N <- number of elements in the heap
- * M <- number of elements in the other heap if need
- [options="header",width="100%",cols="1>,1<s,5<,1<,1<,10<",grid="rows"]
- |=======================================================================
- |Const?|Name| Parameters| Return Type| Time Complexity| Description
- ||operator= | (MergeableHeap const&)| *this | O(N)
- | Copy operator.
- ||moveTo | (MergeableHeap*) | void | O(M)
- | Transform the this->data to the heap specified in parameters
- |const|top | () | Element | O(1)
- | Return the maximum element in the heap.
- |const|size | () | size_t | O(1)
- | Return the number of elements in the heap.
- |const|empty| () | bool | O(1)
- | Return whether the heap is empty or not.
- ||push |(Element) |void | O(log N)
- | Add a element into the heap
- ||pop |() |void | O(log N)
- | Delete the maximum element from the heap
- ||merge |(MergeableHeap*) |void | O(log M)
- | Merge the specified MergeableHeap(with size=M) into itself
- ||clear |() |void | O(N)
- | Delete all elements from the heap
- |=======================================================================
-WARNING: Consider there are two MergeableHeap `A` and `B`.
-`B` will become empty after you call `A.merge(&B)`.
-The data in `B` will override by data in `A` and `A` will become empty after
-you call `A.moveTo(&B)`
- @asciidoc-
- *********************************************************/
template<class Element>
class MergeableHeap{ // maximum-heap
@@ -77,6 +38,51 @@ you call `A.moveTo(&B)`
void clear( );
void merge(MergeableHeap* _heap2);
+ /*********************************************************
+ @asciidoc
+ === meow:: *MergeableHeap<Key, Value>* (C++ class)
+ .Description
+ MergeableHeap is a kind of maximum-heap with a special method `merge`,
+ which will merge another MergeableHeap into itself in O(logN) time.
+ .Template Request
+ * `Key` should has `operator<`
+ .Support methods
+ * N <- number of elements in the heap
+ * M <- number of elements in the other heap if need
+ [options="header",width="100%",cols="1>,1<s,3<,1<,1<,10<",grid="rows"]
+ |=======================================================================
+ |Const?|Name| Parameters| Return Type| Time Complexity| Description
+ ||operator= | (MergeableHeap const&)| *this | O(N)
+ | Copy operator.
+ ||moveTo | (MergeableHeap*) | void | O(M)
+ | Transform the this->data to the heap specified in parameters
+ |const|top | () | Element | O(1)
+ | Return the maximum element in the heap.
+ |const|size | () | size_t | O(1)
+ | Return the number of elements in the heap.
+ |const|empty| () | bool | O(1)
+ | Return whether the heap is empty or not.
+ ||push |(Element) |void | O(log N)
+ | Add a element into the heap
+ ||pop |() |void | O(log N)
+ | Delete the maximum element from the heap
+ ||merge |(MergeableHeap*) |void | O(log M)
+ | Merge the specified MergeableHeap(with size=M) into itself
+ ||clear |() |void | O(N)
+ | Delete all elements from the heap
+ |=======================================================================
+WARNING: Consider there are two MergeableHeap `A` and `B`. +
+`B` will become empty after you call `A.merge(&B)`. +
+The data in `B` will override by data in `A` and `A` will become empty after
+you call `A.moveTo(&B)`
+ *********************************************************/
#include "MergeableHeap.hpp"
diff --git a/meowpp/dsa/KD_Tree.h b/meowpp/dsa/KD_Tree.h
index 0abc358..2e55d12 100644
--- a/meowpp/dsa/KD_Tree.h
+++ b/meowpp/dsa/KD_Tree.h
@@ -68,6 +68,48 @@ namespace meow{
void clear();
void reset(size_t _dimension);
+ /*********************************************************
+ @asciidoc
+ === meow:: *KD_Tree<Keys, Key, Value>* (C++ class)
+ .Description
+ `KD_Tree` is *K-dimension tree*, which is a dictionary(key->value).
+ Where the type if key is a *K-dimension vector* .
+ .Template Request
+ * `Keys` should has `operator[]` to allow the KD_Tree access the k-dimensions
+ * `Key` should has `operator*`, `operator+`
+ .Support Methods
+ * N <- numbers of element in the kd-tree
+ * K <- dimensions
+ * `Keys` is the tyepname of the vector
+ * `Key` is the typename of the element in the vector
+ * `Value` is the typename of value
+ [options="header",width="100%",cols="1>,1<s,5<,1<,2<,10<",grid="rows"]
+ |=======================================================================
+ |Const?|Name| Parameters| Return Type| Time Complexity| Description
+ |const|root|(size_t number)|size_t|very fast|
+ ||insert|(Key const& k, Value v)|void|O(1)|Insert a pair (k->v)
+ || build|()|void|O(KN logN) | Build the data structure(the `insert()`
+ method will not build the data structure immediately)
+ |const|query|(Keys const& point, int k)|Value|O(kN ^1-1/k^ ) |
+ Using Euclidean-Distance to find the k-nearest neighbor from `point` .
+ And return the corrosponding value
+ |const|query|(Keys const& point, int k)|std::vector<Value>|O(kN ^1-1/k^ ) |
+ Using Euclidean-Distance to find all the x-nearest neighbor from `point` ,
+ where x <= k. And return an array of all the corrosponding value.
+ ||clear|()|O(1)|Clear all data
+ ||reset|(size_t dimension)|O(1)|Clear all data and then
+ set the this->dimension be `dimension`
+ |=======================================================================
+NOTE: O(kN ^1-1/k^ ) is reference from wiki. +
+`query()` and `rangeQuery()` will run `build()` first if you called `insert()`
+before call them. And `build()` is very slow, so you should not use this class
+as a dynamic tree
+ *********************************************************/
#include "KD_Tree.hpp"
diff --git a/meowpp/dsa/MergeableHeap.hpp b/meowpp/dsa/MergeableHeap.hpp
index de3aea9..6e49a1c 100644
--- a/meowpp/dsa/MergeableHeap.hpp
+++ b/meowpp/dsa/MergeableHeap.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-// @class name : MergeableHeap
-// @implement : Leftist Tree
#include <cstdlib>
namespace meow{
diff --git a/meowpp/dsa/SegmentTree.h b/meowpp/dsa/SegmentTree.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1aa396d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meowpp/dsa/SegmentTree.h
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#ifndef SegmentTree_H__
+#define SegmentTree_H__
+namespace meow{
+ template<class Value>
+ class SegmentTree{
+ private:
+ struct Node{
+ Value _value;
+ Value _offset;
+ bool _sameFlag;
+ //
+ Node();
+ };
+ //
+ size_t _size;
+ std::vector<Node> _nodes;
+ size_t const _root;
+ //
+ size_t leftChild(size_t __parent) const;
+ size_t rightChild(size_t __parent) const;
+ //
+ void downUpdate(size_t __L, size_t __R, size_t __index);
+ void override(size_t __l, size_t __r,
+ size_t __L, size_t __R,
+ size_t __index, Value const& __value);
+ void offset(size_t __l, size_t __r,
+ size_t __L, size_t __R,
+ size_t __index, Value const& __delta);
+ Value query(size_t __l, size_t __r,
+ size_t __L, size_t __R,
+ size_t __index);
+ bool rangeCorrect(ssize_t* __first, ssize_t* __last) const;
+ public:
+ SegmentTree();
+ SegmentTree(size_t __size);
+ SegmentTree(SegmentTree const& __tree2);
+ //
+ void reset(size_t __size);
+ //
+ Value query (ssize_t __first, ssize_t __last) const;
+ void override(ssize_t __first, ssize_t __last, Value const& __value);
+ void offset (ssize_t __first, ssize_t __last, Value const& __delta);
+ };
+ /*********************************************************
+ @asciidoc
+ === meow:: *SegmentTree<Value>* (C++ class)
+ .Description
+ `SegmentTree` is a data structure that can maintain an array, and
+ support *range update* , *range query*
+ .Template Request
+ * `Value` should has
+ ** `operator+(Value)` offset
+ ** `operator|(Value)` merge two nodes
+ ** `operator*(size_t)` ??
+ For example, if you want to maintain *range minimum*
+ * `Value::operator+(Value v2)` will be `this->realValue + v2.realValue`
+ * `Value::operator|(Value v2)` will be `std::min(this->realValue, v2.realValue)`
+ * `Value::operator*(size_t n)` will be `this->realValue`
+ If you want to maintain *range sum*
+ * `Value::operator+(Value v2)` will be `this->realValue + v2.realValue`
+ * `Value::operator|(Value v2)` will be `this->realValue + v2.realValue)`
+ * `Value::operator*(size_t n)` will be `this->realValue * n`
+ .Support methods
+ * N <- array size
+ [options="header",width="100%",cols="1>,1<s,3<,1<,1<,10<",grid="rows"]
+ |=======================================================================
+ |Const?|Name| Parameters| Return Type| Time Complexity| Description
+ ||reset|(size_t N)|void|O(1)|
+ Clear and reset the array size to N (from `0` to `N - 1`)
+ |const|query|(ssize_t __first, ssize_t __last)|Value|O(logN)|
+ Range query
+ ||override|(ssize_t __first, ssize_t __last, Value const& __value)|void|
+ O(logN)| Let the element in the array index from `__first` to `__last`
+ be `__value`
+ ||offset|(ssize_t __first, ssize_t __last, Value const& __value)|void|
+ O(logN)| Let the element in the array index from `__first` to `__last`
+ plus `__value`
+ |=======================================================================
+ *********************************************************/
diff --git a/meowpp/dsa/SegmentTree.hpp b/meowpp/dsa/SegmentTree.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24efcdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meowpp/dsa/SegmentTree.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#ifndef SegmentTree_H__
+#define SegmentTree_H__
+namespace meow{
+ template<class Value>
+ inline SegmentTree<Value>::Node::Node(){ }
+ template<class Value>
+ inline size_t
+ SegmentTree<Value>::leftChild(size_t __parent) const {
+ return __parent * 2 + 1;
+ }
+ template<class Value>
+ inline size_t
+ SegmentTree<Value>::rightChild(size_t __parent) const {
+ return __parent * 2 + 2;
+ }
+ template<class Value>
+ inline void
+ SegmentTree<Value>::downUpdate(size_t __L, size_t __R, size_t __index){
+ size_t mid = (__L + __R) / 2;
+ Value& val = _nodes[__index]._value;
+ Value& off = _nodes[__index]._offset;
+ if(_nodes[__index]._sameFlag){
+ if(__L < __R){
+ override(__L , mid, __L , mid, leftChild(__index), val);
+ override(mid + 1, __R, mid + 1, __R, rightChild(__index), val);
+ }
+ _nodes[__index]._sameFlag = false;
+ _nodes[__index]._offset = 0;
+ }else if(!(_nodes[__index]._offset == Value(0))){
+ if(__L < __R){
+ offset(__L , mid, __L , mid, leftChild(__index), off);
+ offset(mid + 1, __R, mid + 1, __R, rightChild(__index), off);
+ }
+ _nodes[__index]._offset = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ template<class Value>
+ inline void
+ SegmentTree<Value>::override(size_t __l, size_t __r,
+ size_t __L, size_t __R,
+ size_t __index, Value const& __value){
+ if(__l == __L && __r == __R){
+ _nodes[__index]._value = __value * (__R - __L + 1);
+ _nodes[__index]._offset = 0;
+ _nodes[__index]._sameFlag = true;
+ return ;
+ }
+ downUpdate(__L, __R, __index);
+ size_t mid = (__L + __R) / 2;
+ if(__r <= mid){
+ override(__l, __r, __L , mid, leftChild(__index), __value);
+ }else if(mid + 1 <= __l){
+ override(__l, __r, mid + 1, __R, rightChild(__index), __value);
+ }else{
+ override(__l , mid, __L , mid, leftChild(__index), __value);
+ override(mid + 1, __r, mid + 1, __R, rightChild(__index), __value);
+ }
+ _nodes[__index]._value = ( _nodes[ leftChild(__index)]._value
+ | _nodes[rightChild(__index)]._value);
+ }
+ template<class Value>
+ inline void
+ SegmentTree<Value>::offset(size_t __l, size_t __r,
+ size_t __L, size_t __R,
+ size_t __index, Value const& __delta){
+ if(__l == __L && __r == __R){
+ _nodes[__index]._value = _nodes[__index]._value + __delta*(__R-__L+1);
+ if(!_nodes[__index]._sameFlag){
+ _nodes[__index]._offset = _nodes[__index]._offset + __delta;
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+ downUpdate(__L, __R, __index);
+ size_t mid = (__L + __R) / 2;
+ if(__r <= mid){
+ offset(__l, __r, __L , mid, leftChild(__index), __delta);
+ }else if(mid + 1 <= __l){
+ offset(__l, __r, mid + 1, __R, rightChild(__index), __delta);
+ }else{
+ offset(__l , mid, __L , mid, leftChild(__index), __delta);
+ offset(mid + 1, __r, mid + 1, __R, rightChild(__index), __delta);
+ }
+ _nodes[__index]._value = ( _nodes[ leftChild(__index)]._value
+ | _nodes[rightChild(__index)]._value);
+ }
+ template<class Value>
+ inline Value
+ SegmentTree<Value>::query(size_t __l, size_t __r,
+ size_t __L, size_t __R,
+ size_t __index){
+ if((__l == __L && __r == __R) || _nodes[__index]._sameFlag){
+ return _nodes[__index]._value;
+ }
+ size_t mid = (__L + __R) / 2;
+ Value& off = _nodes[__index]._offset;
+ if(__r <= mid){
+ return query(__l, __r, __L , mid, leftChild(__index)) + off;
+ }else if(mid + 1 <= __l){
+ return query(__l, __r, mid + 1, __R, rightChild(__index)) + off;
+ }else{
+ return ( query(__l , mid, __L , mid, leftChild(__index))
+ | query(mid + 1, __r, mid + 1, __R, rightChild(__index))) + off;
+ }
+ }
+ template<class Value>
+ inline bool
+ SegmentTree<Value>::rangeCorrect(ssize_t* __first, ssize_t* __last) const{
+ if(*__last < *__first){
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(*__last < 0 || _size - 1 < *__first){
+ return false;
+ }
+ *__first = inRange((ssize_t)0, (ssize_t)_size - 1, *__first);
+ *__last = inRange((ssize_t)0, (ssize_t)_size - 1, *__last );
+ return true;
+ }
+ template<class Value>
+ inline
+ SegmentTree<Value>::SegmentTree(): _size(0), _root(0) {
+ }
+ template<class Value>
+ inline
+ SegmentTree<Value>::SegmentTree(size_t __size): _size(0), _root(0){
+ reset(__size);
+ }
+ template<class Value>
+ inline
+ SegmentTree<Value>::SegmentTree(SegmentTree const& __tree2):
+ _size(__tree2._size), _nodes(__tree2._nodes), _root(0){ }
+ //
+ template<class Value>
+ inline void
+ SegmentTree<Value>::reset(size_t __size){
+ _size = __size;
+ _nodes.resize(__size * 4);
+ _nodes[_root]._sameFlag = true;
+ _nodes[_root]._value = Value(0);
+ }
+ template<class Value>
+ inline Value
+ SegmentTree<Value>::query(ssize_t __first, ssize_t __last) const{
+ if(rangeCorrect(&__first, &__last) == false){
+ return Value();
+ }
+ return ((SegmentTree*)this)->query(__first, __last, 0, _size - 1, _root);
+ }
+ template<class Value>
+ inline void
+ SegmentTree<Value>::override(ssize_t __first, ssize_t __last,
+ Value const& __value){
+ if(rangeCorrect(&__first, &__last) == false){
+ return ;
+ }
+ override(__first, __last, 0, _size - 1, _root, __value);
+ }
+ template<class Value>
+ inline void
+ SegmentTree<Value>::offset(ssize_t __first, ssize_t __last,
+ Value const& __delta){
+ if(rangeCorrect(&__first, &__last) == false){
+ return ;
+ }
+ offset(__first, __last, 0, _size - 1, _root, __delta);
+ }
diff --git a/meowpp/dsa/SplayTree.h b/meowpp/dsa/SplayTree.h
index 78b54f6..3d2d2e3 100644
--- a/meowpp/dsa/SplayTree.h
+++ b/meowpp/dsa/SplayTree.h
@@ -96,6 +96,81 @@ namespace meow{
void print() const;
+ /*********************************************************
+ @asciidoc
+ === meow:: *SplayTree<Key, Value>* (C++ class)
+ .Description
+ Like `std::map`, `SplayTree` is an dictionary(key->value). But it has
+ some extra method, such as `split()`, `merge()`, `keyOffset()`.
+ .Data Type
+ * `Key` is the tyepname of the key
+ * `Value` is the typename of value
+ * `SplayTree<Key, Value>:: *Element* ` is a typename which contain
+ (key->value). It has some methods below:
+ ** `->first ` a constant reference to `Key`
+ ** `->second` a reference to `Value`
+ ** `operator==, operator!=` compare function, check if the two `Element`
+ is pointer to the same (key->value)
+ .Template Request
+ * `Key` should has `operator<`, `operator+`
+ .Support Methods
+ * N <- numbers of element in the SplayTree
+ * M <- numbers of element in another SplayTree
+ [options="header",width="100%",cols="1>,1<s,5<,1<,3^,10<",grid="rows"]
+ |=======================================================================
+ |Const?|Name| Parameters| Return Type| Time Complexity| Description
+ ||operator=|(SplayTree const&)| *this | O(N) | copy operator
+ ||moveTo|(SplayTree* t)|void|O(M)| Transform the data in this to `t`
+ |const|lowerBound|(Key k)|Element|O(logN)| Find the smallest (key->value)
+ which `k <= key` and return
+ |const|upperBound|(Key k)|Element|O(logN)| Find the smallest (key->value)
+ which `k < key` and return
+ |const|rLowerBound|(Key k)|Element|O(logN)| Find the largest (key->value)
+ which `key <= k` and return
+ |const|rUpperBound|(Key k)|Element|O(logN)| Find the largest (key->value)
+ which `key < k` and return
+ |const| find|(Key k)|Element|O(logN)| Find the element (key->value) which
+ `key == k` and return
+ |const|order|(size_t k)|Element|O(logN)| Find the `k`-th small element.
+ note that `k` start from zero like a normal C/C++ array.
+ |const|first|()|Element|O(logN)| Return the smallest element
+ |const|last|()|Element|O(logN)| Return the largest element
+ |const|end|()|Element|O(1)|Return an empty element(it can be use to
+ check if `find()` is successful)
+ |const|size|()|size_t|O(1)| Return number of elements in the tree
+ |const|empty|()|bool|O(1)|Return whether the tree is empty
+ ||clear|()|void|O(N)|Clear
+ ||keyOffset|(Key offset)|void|O(1)| Let all the keys in the tree
+ plus offset
+ ||insert|(Key k, Value v)|bool | O(logN)| Insert an element.
+ If the tree already has an element with same key, return `false`.
+ ||erase|(Key k)|bool | O(logN)|Erase an element from the tree with
+ given key. Return `false` if the element not found.
+ ||operator[]|(Key k)|Value|O(logN)|Like `find()` , but it will insert an element
+ automatic if the corrosponding element not found
+ ||splitOut|(Key const& upper_bound, +
+ SplayTree* out)|void | O(log N) | Split out all the elements with key
+ larger than `upper_bound` and store then into `out`
+ ||mergeAfter|(SplayTree* t)|bool|O(logN + logM)|If not all of the elements in this
+ are smaller than elements in `t`, return `false` , else merge `t` into
+ itself and return `true`.
+ ||merge|(SplayTree* t)|bool|O(logN + logM)|If all of the elements in this
+ are smaller than elements in `t` or all of the elements in this larger than
+ elements in `t` , merge `t` into itself and return `true`.
+ Else return `false`
+ |=======================================================================
+WARNING: Consider there are two SplayTree `A` and `B`. +
+`B` will become empty after you call `A.mergeAfter(&B)`
+or `A.merge(&B)` successful. +
+The data in `B` will override by data in `A` and `A` will become empty after
+you call `A.moveTo(&B)`
+ *********************************************************/
#include "SplayTree.hpp"
diff --git a/meowpp/oo/Register_Implement.h b/meowpp/oo/Register_Implement.h
index e46f86c..dd496fa 100644
--- a/meowpp/oo/Register_Implement.h
+++ b/meowpp/oo/Register_Implement.h
@@ -26,6 +26,26 @@ namespace meow{
virtual ImplementInterface<T>* getImplement(T const& identify);
virtual ~RegisterInterface(){ }
+ /*******************************************************************
+ @asciidoc
+ === meow:: *ImplementInterface/RegisterInterface* (C++ Class)
+ .Description
+ Assume there is a problem which can be solved by different algorithms.
+ Then you can write multiple classes to approach this problem. +
+ Now if you want to decide which algorithm to use in runtime, you can just
+ approach this case by a simple way:
+ * Let all the problem-solving classes inherit from
+ `class ImplementInterface<T>` , and call the constructure with giving
+ `identify` (type `T` ) .
+ * Create an object, type `RegisterInterface<T>` , and register all your
+ implement class to it by call `regImplement(pointer to the class)`.
+ * Select which implement class you want by call `getImplement(identify)` ,
+ which will return the pointer to the corresponding class.
+ '''
+ @asciidoc-
+ ******************************************************************/
#include "Register_Implement.hpp"
diff --git a/meowpp/oo/Register_Implement.hpp b/meowpp/oo/Register_Implement.hpp
index 523f266..34d9129 100644
--- a/meowpp/oo/Register_Implement.hpp
+++ b/meowpp/oo/Register_Implement.hpp
@@ -13,9 +13,8 @@ namespace meow{
return true;
template<class T>
- inline ImplementInterface<T>* RegisterInterface<T>::getImplement(
- T const& identify
- ){
+ inline ImplementInterface<T>*
+ RegisterInterface<T>::getImplement(T const& identify){
if(implements.find(identify) == implements.end()){
return NULL;
diff --git a/meowpp/utility.h b/meowpp/utility.h
index 156971a..4f3b36a 100644
--- a/meowpp/utility.h
+++ b/meowpp/utility.h
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
#include <cctype>
namespace meow{
inline std::string stringPrintf(char const * fmt, ...);
inline std::string stringReplace(std::string str,
std::string const& from,
@@ -40,6 +39,60 @@ namespace meow{
inline double average(T const& beg, T const& end, double sigs);
template<class T>
inline double average(T const& beg, T const& end, T const& p, double sigs);
+ /*******************************************************************
+ @asciidoc
+ === meow:: *Functios* in utility.h
+ [options="header",width="100%",cols="1>s,5<,1<,10<",grid="rows"]
+ |==============================================================
+ |Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description
+ |stringPrintf |(char const * fmt, ...)|std::string |
+ Format print to C++ string and return it
+ |stringReplace |(std::string str, +
+ std::string const& from, +
+ std::string const& to) | std::string |
+ Return a string like `str`, but all `from` be replaced by `to`
+ |cstringEndWith |(char const* str, int n, ...) | bool |
+ Return whether `str` is end with one of the c-string you specify in
+ the parameters or not
+ |debugPrintf |(char const* fmt, ...) | void|
+ Print debug message (file name, line number, ...etc) when `DEBUG` is
+ defined
+ |messagePrintf |(int level_change, char const* fmt, ...) | void|
+ 階層式的訊息輸出
+ |noEPS |(double value, double eps = 1e-9) | double |
+ 如果abs(輸入的數值) < eps, 則回傳0, 否則回傳輸入的數值
+ |normalize |(double lower, double upper, +
+ double value) | double |
+ (value - lower) / (upper - lower)
+ |denormalize |(double lower, double upper, +
+ double ratio) | double |
+ lower + (upper - lower) * ratio
+ |ratioMapping |(double l1, double u1, +
+ double m1, double l2, +
+ double u2)
+ | double |
+ denormalize(l2, u2, normalize(l1, u1, m1))
+ |inRange<T> |(T const& mn, T const& mx, +
+ T const& v) | T |
+ std::max(mn, std::min(mx, v))
+ |squ<T> |(T const& x) | T|
+ x * x
+ |average<T>|(T const& beg, T const& end, +
+ double sigs)| T|
+ 只將 `sigs` 個標準差以內的數據拿來取平均
+ |average<T>|(T const& beg, T const& end, +
+ T const& p, double sigs)| T|
+ 同上, 不過這次用 `p` 來加權平均
+ |==============================================================
+ [NOTE]
+ `stringReplace()` 不是用什麼好方法寫的因此執行效率很低請別虐待它. +
+ 額外附贈一個 `const double PI = 3.141592653589......`
+ ******************************************************************/
#include "utility.hpp"
diff --git a/readme_generate.py b/readme_generate.py
index 781e2d3..7eb6782 100755
--- a/readme_generate.py
+++ b/readme_generate.py
@@ -76,11 +76,15 @@ readme_f = open(readme, 'w');
for (root, sub_folders, files) in os.walk('./'):
for reader in readers:
+ deleted = []
for filename in files:
path = os.path.join(root, filename);
if path == './' + readme:
if reader.checkOk(filename):
+ print 'Get asciidoc from ' + path;
- files.remove(filename);
+ deleted.append(filename);
+ for filename in deleted:
+ files.remove(filename);